Sunday, June 6, 2010

MT Avanthara

T: she is still exercising severe hot flushes
D: she is still experiencing severe hot flushes

T: although the patient thinks that she is very good.
D: although the patient’s English is very good.

T: Will you please come to clinic 3D for a blood test as soon as possible.
I have left a phone in the clinic to allow you to do so.
D: Will you please come to clinic 3D for a blood test as soon as possible.
I have left a form in the clinic to allow you to do so.

T: I am pleased to hear that she has now decided to leave work and work
band shifts in the clinic instead.
D: I am sorry to hear that she has now decided to leave work and work
bank shifts in the clinic instead.

T: He revealed his BMI of 30.
D: He is a builder with a BMI of 30.

T: both Dr Renzoni and Dr Stone now have to get hold of me if there is a need
D: both Dr Renzoni and Dr Stone know how to get hold of me if there is a need

T: only one embryo is replanted.
D: only one embryo is implanted.

T: on each cycle using sperm pronation, one embryo was implanted by
unfortunately she did not feel pregnant
D: on each cycle using sperm donation, one embryo was implanted but
unfortunately she did not fall pregnant

T: There should in fact have been a coma after the word development (coma = A state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness)
D: There should in fact have been a comma after the word development (comma = A punctuation mark (,))

T: to proceed with this closure work
D: to proceed with disclosure work

T: I encourage result of both tests
D: I enclose the results of both tests

T: baby's vomiting apparent with no bleeds and less so with solid.
D: baby's vomiting apparent with milk feeds and less so with solids.

T: situations which caused her embracement ( embracement = The act of clasping another person in the arms)
D: situations which causes her embarrassment (embarrassment = The shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public)

T: he had a B infection in April
D: he had a venesection in April (venesection = Surgical incision into a vein)

T: She accepts that she saves her left armpit regularly with a razor.
D: She accepts that she shaves her left armpit regularly with a razor.

T: I will arrange a scan as soon as she has some phone,
D: I will arrange her scans and as soon as we have them, will phone her

T: patient frequently visits which turns to me Nigeria
D: patient frequently returns to Nigeria

T: I advise that she will be admitted over to Crawley's Cabin urgent CTPA
D: I advise that she be admitted or at the very least have an urgent CTPA

T: Palpation of the abdomen was impossible and restricted pain
D: Palpation of the abdomen was impossible as this triggered pain (triggered = to cause, generated)

T: This require an urgency assistance
D: This require emergency assistance

T: Bowel consistent with male rotation

D: Bowel consistent with mal rotation (Malrotation is twisting of the intestines)

T: Patient reports the stool is essentially stained.

D: Patient reports the stool is offensively smelling.

T: although has had x-rays and put some weight on the foot.
D: although, he has had episodes where he has put his foot on the floor
and put some weight on the foot.

T: he has been aboard to Poland (aboard = On a ship, train, plane or other vehicle)

D: he has been abroad to Poland (abroad = To or in a foreign country)

T: non left big toe.
D: numb left big toe.